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AL-40371 | Hakenspanner

AL-40371 Hook Tensioner

product properties

Price: 19,90 / Pc plus 19% VAT

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Model no.Weight (g)holding force (N)Ø AB.C.D.E.F.GHØ IJhorizontal footstraight foot
AL-40702 (SS)29020006,744,573,279,93140321518206,5
AL-451 (SS)27017005,612,71938,121158,4849,234,936,5
AL-452 (SS)25517006,738,150,821144,7836,5
AL-40371 (S)69034008,77,931,847,628879,49,565,749,257,3
AL-43810 (SS)1130450010,312,728,65433676,212,785,760,368
#footable_14165 { font-family: ; font-size: px; }

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AL-40371 | Hakenspanner

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