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AL-32500 | mit Gußkörper

AL-32500 push-pull clamp

product properties

Price: 169,90 / Pc plus 19% VAT

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Model no.Weight (g)holding force (N)handle opening anglepiston stroke mmØ AB.C.Ø DE.F.GHI.JKL.Ø MNO
AL-306005706000185° 322536,533,6461438891222671275,5M8P=1.2530
AL-31200155012000185° 5083541415820551351832881908,5M10P=1.540
AL-32500410025000185° 75124545547825102196224011029810,3M12P=1.7560
AL-35000650050000185° 100127070578430138254285012339210,3M16P=260
AL-30510-M175011000105 ° 49
AL-30511-M130011000105 ° 49
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AL-32500 | mit Gußkörper

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