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AL-36204-M | Schubstangenspanner ohne Fuß

AL-36204-M Push-Pull Clamp

product properties

Price: 19,90 / Pc plus 19% VAT

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Model no.Weight (g)holding force (N)handle opening anglepiston stroke mmA.B.C.D.E.F.GHØ IJKL.M.NOP.
AL-302503852500190° 3230425741710M6P=1.06,51112M20P=1.551232585136
AL-304507744500195° 383045644,52213M1OP=1.58,51625M24P=1.559,52828115173
AL-36202-M (SS)11391020246,4M16P=1.52464,2M16P=1.5M6P=115,89,42112,775
AL-36204-M (SS)270136039306,4M20P=1.528,2115M20P=1.5M8P?1.2525,41139,715,998
AL-36224-M (SS)770318065,5418M27P=2.040170M27P=2.0M10P=1.531,715,870,322,3137
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AL-36204-M | Schubstangenspanner ohne Fuß

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